Dear Committee Chair,

I am writing to raise the great work that the National Museum Wales have been doing as a key strategic and operational partner in the delivery of the Fusion programme in partnership with Communities First and with organisations such as ourselves. Their culture and ethos is one of inclusion and engagement of children, young people and families across Wales. Their commitment to supporting vulnerable people with opportunities to access culture, arts and the heritage I feel is second to none. It is therefore with trepidation I see the proposals regarding Historic Wales and the need for a commercial approach to provision. We need to maintain an open access policy for all, and strive in all our institutions for inclusion and engagement. Otherwise our culture and heritage will be lost to many of this and our next generation, promoted predominantly to those who feel comfortable accessing it, and can afford it.

I do recognise the need for commercialism in the sector and that this has to be included as an aspect of sustainability, but there is a need within any commercial activity to retain the principles and mission of each organisation.

I hope you take into consideration the culture of each organisation and their merits when creating a Historic Wales open to all.

Kind regards
